Oktoberfest? Ja, richtig!
I don’t remember much from my high school German class except maybe a few standard phrases. Thankfully a grasp of… Read more»
Trying something for the first time, whether it’s making art or skydiving, creates a bit of anxiety over whether it… Read more»
Two “Album Cover” pieces I did for Oregano’s Pizza Bistro menus.
These album covers took quite some time to bring to life. But anything worth doin’ takes time.
Here’s to new opportunity, a new outlook & a new year. I’m taking my small
campaign to the masses!
I was asked to create a series of wine labels with a retro vibe. I took that ball and ran… Read more»
Illustration Vintage Motel Signs Driving down Main Street in Mesa Arizona is a timewarp, unique old motel signs jump out… Read more»
From an execution standpoint i am liking the warm tones achieved in his face and the gestural lines of the clothing. I always try to push my boundaries with projects like this, and it always yields something interesting.
WATCH OUT! don’t get burned…
Finn pulled this exquisite birthday theme out of his back pocket a few weeks ago. I had never actually heard… Read more»
I made this piece damn near 10 years ago. Crazy to think it’s been that long. Saw this car in a parking lot on the west side of town while scouting for a photoshoot with Sullivan. He had his camera on him (of course) and snapped a few shots for me. The photoshoot never panned out, but i did get started on this piece soon after.